1. In General
1.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, orders and agreements of Arbocantor BVBA. Arbocantor BVBA has its office in the Postelarenweg 140, 2400 Mol(B). Arbocantor BVBA is registered as a non-profit institution with TVA number BE0823174563. "Website" the website of Arbocantor BVBA / where the range of products of Arbocantor BVBA is shown and private persons and companies can place their orders. "Product" the product that has to be delivered to the buyer, within an agreed time period, and for which the buyer pays an agreed price. "Buyer" the customer that concludes an agreement with the Arbocantor BVBA. The general terms and conditions are accessible to everyone and can be consulted on the website We can send a printed copy, on your request.
1.2 Placing an order implicitly means you accept the terms of delivery and payment. The Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to change the terms of delivery and payment once the agreed time has elapsed and reserves the right to change the content of the website.
1.3 The Arbocantor BVBA guarantees that the delivered product is in compliance with the agreement and the specifications, as stipulated on the website.
1.4 The specifications in these general terms and conditions can only be modified when explicitly agreed upon in writing and in which case the remaining specifications of these general terms and conditions still apply.
2. Delivery
2.1 Products will be delivered as long as stock lasts.
2.2 The duration of delivery mounts to 2-4 working days, if the product is available in stock, and unless it is stipulated otherwise on the Arbocantor BVBA website. The suggested duration of delivery should be considered as an indication, and not as a fatal term. In general, Elvis Matters vzw has a maximum delivery term of 30 days, otherwise the vzw will consult with the buyer.
2.3 The durations mentioned on the website are to be used as an indication. No rights can be acquiered fom the durations mentioned.
2.4 When the agreed term of delivery has been exceeded by Arbocantor BVBA, on what grounds whatsoever, Arbocantor BVBA will immediately notify the buyer in writing (via e-mail). In that case, the buyer holds the right to end, in writing (via fax, letter or email), the agreement with Arbocantor BVBA.
2.5 Any payments that have already been made by the buyer will be refunded into the buyers bank or Giro bank account as soon as possible, but in any case within fourteen (14) working days after the day Arbocantor BVBA has received the request for dissolution, mentioned in the article above (article 2.4).
2.6 Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to split up the order of the buyer, so that the order is divided in two or more shipments.
3 Prices
3.1 All prices mentioned on the website are in euro and include taxes (TVA). For each offer, a contribution to the transaction and shipments costs will be taken into account, as stated in the "payment" section at Evismatters vzw , unless stipulated otherwise or agreed upon in writing. 3.2 Prices will not be increased within the duration of the offer, unless legal measures necessitate this or the manufacturer increases his prices meanwhile.
3.3 All prices mentioned on the website are subject to typing errors and misprints. The Elvis Matters vzw is not liable for the consequences of typing errors and misprints.
4 Cooling-off period
4.1 After the buyer has received his or her ordered product, the buyer has the jurisdiction to dissolve the agreement with Arbocantor BVBA within seven (7) working days after receiving this product. The buyer has to notify Elvis Matters vzw in writing before sending back the product, so Arbocantor BVBA can give the buyer a “return-number” for this shipment.
4.2 If the buyer wishes to dissolve the agreement in accordance with article 4.1 of these general terms and conditions, the buyer has to notify Arbocantor BVBA in writing (via e-mail, letter or fax). The buyer has to send the product, after consideration with Arbocantor BVBA, to a fixed return address, stipulated by Arbocantor BVBA. In this case, the buyer himself is responsible for the shipment costs and the risks that come with the shipment.
4.3 Any payments that have already been made by the buyer, at the moment the buyer dissolves the agreement with Arbocantor BVBA in accordance with article 4.1 and 4.2 of these general terms and conditions, will be refunded to the buyer by Arbocantor BVBA within fourteen (14) working days after Arbocantor BVBA has received the product, returned by the buyer. The shipping costs made by Arbocantor BVBA for sending the product to you, will be deducted. So you will receive your payment minus the shipping costs.
4.4 The Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to refuse products that have been returned, and reserves the right to decide to refund only part of the payment made, when the vzw suspects that the product has already been opened or used or when the product has been damaged by the buyer (through no fault of Arbocantor BVBA or the deliverer of the product).
4.5 If Elvis Matters vzw judges that a returned product has been damaged, due to an act of or negligence by the buyer, or as a result from a risk for which the buyer has to account for, Arbocantor BVBA shall notify the buyer of this in writing (via e-mail). Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to deduct the depreciation of the product as a result of this damage from the amount that has to be refunded.
5 Data Management
5.1 If you place an order with the Arbocantor BVBA, your personal information is registered in the list of customers of Arbocantor BVBA. Arbocantor BVBA complies with the law relating to the registration of personal data and will not give your personal data to third parties.
5.2 Arbocantor BVBA respects the privacy of the websites users and guarantees your personal data will be dealt with confidentially.
5.3 The Arbocantor BVBA uses a mailinglijst ( newsletter). Every mailing contains instructions on how you can remove your name from that mailing list.
6 Guarantees
6.1 Arbocantor BVBA guarantees that the delivered products are in compliance with the agreement and the specifications mentioned in the offer, and accepts responsibility for the manufacturers guarantee of the product delivered to you.
6.2 The warranty period issued by Arbocantor BVBA corresponds with the warranty period issued by the factory. This guarantee is not valid in case the deficiency is a result of 1. negligent treatment or 2. intentional damages or 3. inadvertence.
6.3 The guarantee claim expires if repair and other services than stipulated by the manufacturer carry out repairs and other activities to the product.
7 Agreement
7.1 An agreement between Arbocantor BVBA and a buyer is reached after the feasibility of an order or assignment has been assessed by Arbocantor BVBA.
7.2 Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to be allowed not to accept any order or assignment without having to specify a reason, or not to accept unless the payment is made before the shipment.
8 Images and specfications
8.1 All images, photographs, drawings, etc. and (technical) specifications, like data concerning weights, measurements, colours, information, etc. on the website of Arbocantor BVBA are indicative and cannot be used as a reason to claim damages or to dissolve the agreement.
9 Force Majeure
9.1 Arbocantor BVBA cannot be held liable, in csae the vzw cannot fulfil its commitments due to force majeure.
9.2 Force majeure comprises every strange cause, as well as every circumstance, that a risk does not enclose in reasonable circumstances. Delay because of or default of our supply company, transport difficulties, work strikes, governmental measures, delivery delays, negligence of supply companies and/or manufacturers of Arbocantor BVBA, as well sick personnel, and deficiencies in resources and means of transportation are explicitly specified as forces majeure.
9.3 Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to dissolve its obligations in case of force majeure and also reserves the right to dissolve the agreement, entirely of partially, or demand that the content of the agreement is modified so that the realization of the agreement remains feasible. In none of the above forces majeure, Arbocantor BVBA has to pay any fine or claim for damages.
10 Communication
10.1 Arbocantor BVBA cannot be held liable in any way for misunderstandings, damages, delays or the fact that orders and announcements did not come through entirely clear as a result from the use of internet or any other mean of communication in the communication between the buyer and Arbocantor BVBA, as well as between ElvisMattersvzw and third parties as long as that communication concerns the relation between the buyer and Arbocantor BVBA.
11 Complaints
11.1 All complaints concerning the delivery, quality or state of the product or any other complaint, will be dealt with seriously by Arbocantor BVBA.
11.2 The buyer needs no notify the ElvisMattersvzw department of Customer Service of his complaint (the data of this department are mentioned at the bottom of the page).
11.3 Arbocantor BVBA will try to solve the complaint within ten (10) working days after receiving the complaint. Arbocantor BVBA will keep the buyer informed in writing (via e-mail).
12. Different steps for exchanging and returning:
12.1 The product that the buyer wishes to return, is to be returned undamaged to Arbocantor BVBA in the original packaging. The buyer is responsible for the shipping costs to return the product. In case of dissolution, Arbocantor BVBA will refund the payments made within fourteen (14) days after the vzw has received the returned product. The shipping costs made by Arbocantor BVBA for sending the product to you, will be deducted. So you will receive your payment minus the shipping costs. 12.2 How to return a product?
Step 1: You notify our customer service that you wish to return a product. You can send your request to: [email protected]
Step 2: You receive an e-mail in which we confirm the registration of your request and stipulate the different steps to return your product to us. The shipping costs to return the product are at your expense.
Step 3: After Arbocantor BVBA has received your product, we send you a confirmation e-mail..
Step 4: After we have well received and carefully inspected your product, we exchange it, as long as it is available in stock, or give a refund for the purchase price within 14 days.
Step 1: You notify our customer service that you wish to return a product. You can send your request to: [email protected]
Step 2: You receive an e-mail in which we confirm the registration of your request and stipulate the different steps to return your product to us. The shipping costs to return the product are at your expense.
Step 3: After Arbocantor BVBA has received your product, we send you a confirmation e-mail..
Step 4: After we have well received and carefully inspected your product, we exchange it, as long as it is available in stock, or give a refund for the purchase price within 14 days.
13 Personal data
13.1 The personal data that have been entered by the buyer, will be registered in a data base. These data will be used to meet the buyers order. These data will not be distributed to third parties.
13.2 The personal data of the buyer will be entered in a central data base of Arbocantor BVBA, unless the buyer has stipulated that the buyer does not want this. These data will be used to keep the buyer up-to-date regarding the affairs and services by Arbocantor BVBA. These data will be handled in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
13.3 If he wants to, the buyer can look into the data about the buyer Arbocantor BVBA has entered in the Arbocantor BVBA file. The buyer reserves the right to ask to modify the data, if these are incorrect.
14 Intellectual and industrial rights of ownership
14.1 The buyer complies himself to respect all intellectual and industrial rights of ownership that arise from Arbocantor BVBA.
14.2 Arbocantor BVBA does not guarantee that the products, delivered to the buyer, do not infringe any intellectual and industrial right of ownership of a third party, and does not accept any liability in case a third party lays claim based upon the statement that with a product delivered by Arbocantor BVBA, any rights of a third party are violated.
15 Sundries
15.1 If the buyer informs the vzw in writing of an address, the Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to send all orders to that stipulated address, until the buyer gives notice of a new address. 15.2 Arbocantor BVBA reserves the right to make an appeal to a third party to meet the buyers order(s).
16 Applicable law and regulation in case of dispute
16.1 The Belgian law applies to all offers, orders and agreements of Arbocantor BVBA.
16.2 Disputes, resulting from an agreement between Arbocantor BVBA and the buyer, that cannot be solved amongst themselves, fall under the jurisdiction of the authorized judge within the district of Turnhout, unless Arbocantor BVBA prefers to present the dispute to the authorized judge of the city of the buyer, with the exception of the disputes that fall under the competence of the cantonal judge.
Customer service Should there be any questions, remarks or suggestions, feel free to can send an e-mail to [email protected]