MRS - Las Vegas Hilton Presents Elvis Opening Night 1972 - 1 CD Deluxe Set
The widely appreciated label Memphis Recording Service, or MRS for short, released a new release on January 27, 2023: MRS - Las Vegas Hilton Presents Elvis Opening Night 1972. This is 1 CD with Elvis' opening concert on Wednesday, January 26, 1972 in the Las Vegas Hilton. Also Sprach Zarathustra turned out to be a keeper during the opening and at the same time the song See Se Rider became the standard song as opener. Also during this show Elvis performed several songs for the first time : among others the strong American Trilogy. In addition, Elvis also released several songs that were, consciously or unconsciously, linked to his personal life at that time: You Gave Me A Mountain, It's Over, It's Impossible. All sung with a fairly autobiographical undertone. This, of course, was the time Priscilla had decided to leave Elvis. In March, Elvis would record the songs Always On My Mind and Separate Ways... Visually, something also changed: from this period Elvis wore more and more a cape on his jumpsuit, which made him look even more fantastic. In addition to the personal problems, there were of course also artistic highlights to come: the tour in the spring of 1972, many of which would be filmed for the documentary Elvis On Tour and of course the four shows in New York's Madison Square Garden in June . Artistically, Elvis was in sixth gear this period! But now it's time for MRS - Las Vegas Hilton Presents Elvis Opening Night 1972!
January 26, 1972, Las Vegas Hilton
1. Also Spoke Zarathustra
2. See See Rider
3. Proud Mary
4. Never Been to Spain
5. You Gave Me A Mountain
6.Until It's Time for You to Go
7. Polk Salad Annie
8. Love Me
9. Little Sister/Get Back
10. All Shook Up
11. Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel
12. One Night
13. Hound Dog
14. A Big Hunk O'Love
15. Bridge Over Troubled Water
16. Lawdy Miss Clawdy
17. An American Trilogy
19. I'll Remember You
20. Suspicious Minds
21. Can't Help Falling in Love